Aldo Leopold Wilderness was majorly affected by the Black Fire
You are responsible for your own safety. Major flooding is still likely among other hazards.
Travel in Aldo
Since the ground is still unstable, trail/road conditions are still changing. Expect washouts, lots of locust, hazard trees and downed logs.
Equine and backpacking/hiking is allowed on all trails. Bikes (regular and electric) and OHVs are not allowed in Wilderness
Trails Cleared Document
Spreadsheet of trails that have been recently maintained

Fisherman Canyon Trail

Diamond Peak Area

Diamond Creek Trails

Diamond Creek Trails

Diamond Peak Area

Fisherman Canyon Trail

Fisherman Canyon Trail

Reed's Meadow

South of Reed's Peak
Post Fire Trail Information
Below are trails where fire information is available. This page is updated as trail updates are received.
If you have new information, contact us.
Please remember that this area is unstable so the conditions described below could change at any moment. Locust will continue to grow during the monsoon season.
Travel at your own risk.
CDT from Rocky Point to Sign Board Saddle and down Aspen Canyon - May 2024
Thanks to the FS crew and CDTC volunteer trail project:
They maintained the CDT from Signboard Saddle. Included approximately 2 miles south of the Saddle junction and 2 miles north down Aspen Canyon (Trail miles 219-224). FS crews had worked from FR150, Rocky Point trailhead to near Signboard Saddle, in the Fall/Winter 2023/2024. The section between FR150 and Signboard Saddle has been logged, brushed, and some tread and rock work maintained. It is very passable. The upper 2 miles of Aspen Canyon were logged and minimal tread and cairn work completed to define the route. It is passable on foot but not suitable for pack stock due to narrow benches above steep drops into the canyon. Three hazard trees were left due to safety.
Gallinas Trail # 129, Railroad Trail #128, Crest Trail #79 from Mcknight Road to Hillsboro Peak - April 2024
A Montana FS trail crew logged all of the above listed trails.
Animas Creek Trail #114 - June 2023
- Trail: 11 miles. The upper and lower portion of this trail are in better condition and will be more easily maintained than the middle section.
- Tread: Missing throughout the whole.
- The middle section, about 3.5 miles, has flood effects, missing tread, very dense veg and years of deadfall.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- The trail is not passable by stock in the middle portion and passable but difficult on both ends.
Section 1 About 1.5 miles north from saddle (Junction 128/79)
- Log: At least 88 small/27 medium/6 large
- Lots of trenching in trail tread. Braided cattle trails make it even more confusing.
- 100% mortality, most or all from Silver Fire. Lots of grasses, fern and short veg.
Section 2 About 1.5 miles downstream
- Logs: At least 56 small / 20 medium / 5 large. Plus 4 log jams.
- Riparian vegetation is very dense in the lower half of this section.
- Tread: Missing off and on through the lower ½ of this section. The lower 2300 ft have very dense vegetation and logouts, many old and rotten, and lots of missing tread and VERY dense poison ivy
Section 3 About 1.2 miles downstream
- Logs: At least 65 small/41 medium/20 large (lots of rotten logs). 2 small log jams
- Mostly moderate to heavy locust, oak and riparian veg
- Extensive missing trail and crossings with many flood deposits and log jams. Poor to no delineation.
- 1/3 is obliterated and 2/3 are full of logs and veg
Section 4 “Up and Over” to Sid’s Prong junction ~2.1 miles
- Logs: At least 98 small/49 medium/15 large (largest about 40”dbh) Tread is hit or miss. No sign for Sid’s Prong #121 or #309. No sign of trails either
Section 5 From Sid’s Prong junction to the end of trail that connects to Hermosa #307. ~5.3 miles
- Logs: 51 small/25 medium/6 large. ~2 log jams depending on where the trail goes.
- There are cattle and game trails that deviate from system trail and can be hard to differentiate especially because trail does not always follow GIS.
- Signage: No sign at Water Canyon #120 nor at Hermosa #307 junction
Circle 7 #106 - June 2023
Section 1 From CDT-74 to where trail joins Circle 7 creek. ~1.2 miles
- Logs: 7 small / 3 medium / 1 large. Info does not include work needed in missing.
- Tread: Top of trail is steep, washed out and overgrown.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Not suggested due to lost tread and unknown obstacles.
Section 2 From where it enters Circle 7 creek bottom to the lower trailhead at FR730 ~5.4 miles
- Logs: At least 8 small / 7 medium / 2 large. Not a lot of tree mortality. logs not counted for missing or obliterated sections.
- Trail: Mostly obliterated within drainage with high flood effects for most of this section. ~8ft high log jams occur and often block what would have been a trail. Old blazes were found but tread was hit or miss in small sections, mostly gone. Dominating issues are flood obstacles and trail washed away. Trail mostly obliterated within the drainage.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Not suggested, difficult to go around all the flood obstacles.
S. Fork Mimbres #80 ~1.8 miles - July 2023
Trail: Approximately 60% of trail is unidentified or gone.
May exist within overgrowth and deadfall but it’s impassible and unidentified. Logouts are extensive due to 100% mortality from Silver Fire. There is considerable heavy aspen and locust.
Logs: At least 115 small, 85 medium and 26 large on the tread that has been identified, approx. ¾ mile. Upper ~1500 ft is heavy medium and large aspen deadfall not counted.
Passable by stock during assessment:
Middle Fork Mimbres #78 ~1.7 miles to junction with #80 - July 2023
- Trail: Mostly gone. Log outs are extensive due to 100% mortality from Silver Fire. A few blazes remain.
- Assessment not done from junction with S Fork Mimbres #80 to Mimbres Trail #77.
- Expect similar conditions for the top portion.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- No
East Canyon Trail #93 - July 2023
Section 1 – approximately 1.3 miles
- Logs: 2 small / 7 medium / 1 large
- Old road bed remains in sections but is usually blown out at crossings. No signs or cairns at trailhead/junction with Quaking Aspen Trail
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Yes with go-arounds
Section 2 – approximately one mile
- Logs: 17 small/13 medium/1 large and 1 small log jam to break down. Delineation is mostly good.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Need pruning saw for one small log across, then passable with lots to go around.
Section 3 – approximately 1.6 miles
- Logs: 98 small / 47 medium / 14 large
- Needs definition or cairns in the loose soil. Need ~15 cairns
- Signage: No sign at junction with #79 but there are 2 cairns and 1 blaze.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Passable up to a point, then very difficult to go around.
Black Range Crest from Reed Peak to Reed Meadow and CDT from Reeds Meadow to Diamond Peak
In April 2023, a Forest Service crew cleared 4.5 miles from Reed’s meadow to just south of Reed’s Peak, plus the .25 mile spur trail up to the lookout.
Relatively sparse dead and down as well as standing dead to worry about in the future. The main issue will be keeping locusts in check.
Tread: 80-90% of the tread is good, with occasional waterbars. Could use retread in a few spots here and there, but nothing critical or prolonged.
Looking south from the peak, the trail seems to enter more standing dead.
Black Range Crest / CDT from Reeds Meadow + to Diamond Peak
In April 2023, a crew cleared 5.18 miles from Reeds Meadow to just beyond Diamond Spring. No signs whatsoever on this section, not even CDT markers, and the trail is vague through several open areas near Sheep Canyon. We built cairns in all open areas. CDT beyond Diamond Spring had thick locust for .5 miles, and then looked very clear on the ridges.
Diamond Spring has no usable water on the surface and cannot be counted as a water source.
There is a spring one mile from Reed’s Meadow on this route that is quite good, and Sheep Canyon has water ½ mile from the trail.
Burnt Canyon to Diamond Peak was definitely the most intensely burned landscape on the west side of the crest. The East side of the Black Range isn’t near as burned.
Black Range Crest Trail #79 - May/June 2023
From Hillsboro Peak west to Railroad trail# 128 and Animas #114
Switchbacks near Hillsboro Peak are hard to find. Lots of locust, aspen, and oak on many parts of this trail. Several logs.
Passable by stock during assessment:
From McKnight Cabin to Reeds Peak
Over 2000 logs. Locust and brush are thicker after the junction with #78 heading north.
Passable by stock during assessment:
No, too congested with logs and regrowth.
Black Canyon from Reeds Meadow to the Black Canyon Box near Falls Canyon
This trail was logged in Spring of 2023. Please note that logs may be falling fast and locust may be very thick in high burn areas.
Black Canyon Trail # 72 from FS Road 62 to Aspen Canyon Trail#75/CDT74 - May 2023
Most damage was done by flooding. Multiple sections of the trail washed away. Some sections of the trail are undefined and confusing. This part of the canyon is fairly wide, so getting around many trail-damaged areas is doable.
Passable by stock in condition during assessment:
The first 1.2 miles is Not recommended because of the unstable bank section, but with some effort could likely go around through the creek. The remainder of the trail is passable with some go-arounds. All travel will require route finding and paying close attention.
Caledonia Trail # 42
See June 2023 Trail Assessment by Outslope Trail Solutions
Fisherman Canyon Trail #48
See June 2023 Trail Assessment by Outslope Trail Solutions.
Diamond Creek Trail #40
See June 2023 Trail Assessment by Outslope Trail Solutions
Me Own Trail #707
See June 2023 Trail Assessment by Outslope Trail Solutions.
South Diamond Creek Trail #68
June 2023 Trail Assessment by Outslope Trail Solutions
Burnt Canyon Trail #69
June 2023 Trail Assessment by Outslope Trail Solutions
Tom Moore Trail #708 - May /June 2023
- Higher tree mortality at the beginning of the trail. Further down the trail, several well-defined game trails lead to tanks deviating from faint system trails. Otherwise, the trail is decent.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Yes
Aspen Canyon Trail #75 - Fall 2022
- The upper part of Aspen Canyon is narrow and has mixed conifer.
- Trail: this area was severely washed out. Water cut several ~5-foot drops in the canyon floor.
- No reports on the lower part of Aspen Canyon where the canyon widens. There is hope that most of the trail is still in tack in this section.
Aspen Mountain Trail from Signboard Saddle to Reed Peak - Fall 2022
- Still lots of tall locust and logs on this trail.
- Not recommended.
Squeaky Trail #774 - June 2023
- The Forest Service crew logged out of the trail already. Some of it is brushy.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Yes
Spudpatch Trail #111 - May 2023
- Brushy, and in some places, the trail is confusing.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Lower 3.5 miles passable. The upper part is passable but difficult due to rock outcrops.
North Seco Trail #123 - May/June 2023
- Light brush and a few logs. West section tread is intermittent with some flooding and sediment covering the tread. Mid-way section lost 300-400 ft.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Unknown
Mimbres River Trail #77 - August 2023
From Trailhead to Monument Canyon
- Trail:The post fire vegetation is very high and makes the trail impossible or near impossible to see in most places. Also, oaks and other shrubs are growing in the trail.
- Logs: Most of the logs have been removed from the trail.
Mimbres River Trail #77 - May 2023
From Trailhead to Monument Canyon:
- Trail: The section of trail to the Mimbres River from the trailhead was affected by the fire. There are some washouts – all horses passable.
- Logs: 30+ post fire logs have already been removed from the section of trail before it meets the Mimbres River, but more may fall. More logs have been removed on the Mimbres River section.
Trail: The trail is passable, but washed out in spots and hard to find in other areas. However, this section of the canyon was not scorched and still very beautiful.
Passable for stock during assessment:
- Yes
Upstream of Monument Canyon to Confluence of north and south forks
- Trail: missing or obliterated sections of trail totaling about ½ miles. Dead standing.
- Logs: Lots of logs.
Passable for stock during assessment:
- Not suggested; difficult to go around log and rock debris.
Upstream of Confluence of North and South Forks to Crest
- Mortality was high from the Silver fire with high flow, incision, and high log jams from Silver and Black Fire flooding—lots of standing dead trees.
- Logs: Over 200 logs, sections go locust moderate to thick.
- Tread: Much of the tread is unidentified or washed away.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- No
Mimbres Access #741 - May 2023
- Tread: Tread damage due to drainage issues. Expect some trenching in the trail. The tread is obvious in most places. 13 trees
Passable for stock during assessment:
- Yes
Powderhorn Ridge Trail # 82
See June 2023 Trail Assessment by Outslope Trail Solutions.
McKnight Cabin Trail #92
See June 2023 Trail Assessment by Outslope Trail Solutions.
Gallinas Canyon Trail #129 - June 2023
From Crest Trail #79 to Junction with Railroad Trail #128
- Logs: over 200 logs on the trail.
- Tread: Some tread damage
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Not suggested; deadfall too difficult to go around.
From Junction with Railroad Trail #128 to trailhead at Railroad Campground
- Logs: 20 logs plus brushy creek crossings
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Not suggested due to dense crossings.
Lake Trail #101 - April/May 2023
From TH to S. Fork Palomas Cr
- Route needs attention to be better delineated but is very open and passable.
From S Fork Palomas Cr to Marshall Cr confluence
- Route passable and tread mostly delineated except at crossings
From S. Fork Palomas Cr/Marshall Cr confluence to Marshall corral
- Trail: 200 ft section that seems to go through the creek is very unclear and may cause difficulty for stock Route passable and mostly delineated.
From Marshall Corral to Sawmill Well
- Section is passable and delineated.
- From junction #123 to Box Corral
- Logs: 75 logs, jungle just before and through box canyon. 650 ft of tread is gone or washed out.
- Trail: The trail pretty much stays in the creek bottom in box canyon with most tread gone.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Not stock passable and won’t be where the canyon walls bottleneck.
From Box Corral to confluence 2.4 miles below the Crest Trail # 79
- Tread: The tread is missing for most of this section. Tread is mostly washed away and obstructed by small flood debris.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- Stock passable with some difficulty on go-arounds but rather irrelevant if above and below the trail is not passable for stock.
From Confluence to Crest Trail #79 ~2.4 miles
- Trail: Over a half mile of extreme locust with aspen regrowth and lots of dead aspens also blocking passage.
- Tread: Most of the tread needs to be redefined or completely recut.
Passable by stock during assessment:
- No